Thursday, 23 August 2012


I am more into plays late days, they seem pretty interesting to me, I read "the importance of being earnest" yesterday and it was actually amidst the best plays written so far, according to me.oscar wild is witty I can be pretty sure after reading this, the flow in the book is amazing, I love each and every scene that happens, the characters are well designed, I loved the character of "Algernan" the was a good read, and after reading it, I was like "Why was I so late reading it, though I  had it in my shelf since days" but anyway, I am glad i took time and read it. I recommend it to everyone who is interested to read something witty and fun.
I went through "julius Caesar" just today, it is of course known as the best works by Shakespeare, it without any doubt is. I loved it equally well, although I wasn't much familiar with the archaic style of writing, which I can say I am a little now, inspired by that play, I wrote a small poem today, I hope you like it.

Awaited the rain!

Rain hath come to,
Balcony yonder,Is wet,
Doth ye, see the damp walls?
"aye, indeed I doth"
Thy prayers hath been answered,
'tis been raining oh love!,
The earth is back to life!
Ole! Ole!
Thy lord hath blessed us,
Go tell thy kinsmen,
Tell those,
Days of suffering are over,
It rained, after all.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Boring to exciting....

It's an extremely boring day today, no stuff to do. I am desperate to join my new school just after eid holidays.,it's always fun joining new schools, isn't it? But of course its a little difficult to cope in the environment and make new buddies. I am excited though.
let's hope I make new friends quick. A new school brings new experiences and new lessens, which is why it's fun. My o levels actually started up and so extra hardwork is required . It's so easy to say "I will work hard this year" and equally difficult when it comes to implementation, especially for a person like me,call me a "procrastinator" I won't mind,!
But this time I have to work extremely hard, I have taken up an extra subject too, English literature! I am sure it's gonna be even tougher to manage all subjects. But I will try balancing.
Then I am thinking of gaining some weight too, I am so pale I think, I need to gain some! I can't eat anything except junk food, which occupies the all space and than I end up getting sick:((
ahh I get scolded for eating snacks, chocos but I can't help lol:p
The weather is pretty mild today, let's see if we can go for an outing today.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Eid festival...

Festivals are a true blessing indeed! Eid's eve is here and like every year there is a lot happening around, people rushing towards the market, to shop and get the most stylish garment, sandals and jewellery. There are different categories working together to make this eve a beautiful one, I will be taking each category and discussing each,
So the first category is the
 "children" category: this is the most fun and exciting category, children are very excited for this eve, no! that's  not because they get new garments and stuff but because there pockets get heavy with its arrival, yes, I am talking about the "Eidi" the money that relatives give to children every year on this festival. That's the most crucial part of eid-ul-fitr and the most intriguing  have a competition for getting the most out of there elders  and the one with the most Eidi wins.
The second category is the
"teenage" category:in this category there sort-of goes a competition, the both opposite genders shop hard for getting something that's  unique and that stands out, teenage girls go crazy for shopping, and they are the most busy ones in this category, they shop for the jingling bangles that match with there elegant garment, and of course matching foot wears.The another most important part of this festival is the "mehendi" (henna). Girls visit parlours to put on the most intriguing designs, or set a gathering at a house and then put henna on each others hands.
The third category is the,
"adult" category:Here in this category there is a lot going on, the most busy category of all, women are busy with cooking, finding recipes in magazines and cooking shows, cleaning the house and giving it a presentable look, shopping, visiting parlour for facial, or a new haircut, balancing everything perfectly.And than there is the opposite gender, perhaps the most "stressed" out one perhaps as there pockets loosen a bit and they give out money to every child visiting the house.haha but this festival is so lovely that it doesnt make them feel that they are losening there pockets but it makes them feel that they are giving out love and giving out happiness. They also visit the mosque early morning to offer "eid namaz" (Eid prayer), which purifies them and blesses  the entire day.
The fourth and the last category is the,
"old" category: the most affable category of all, they shower there prayers and there love on the all other categories, they enjoy each and everything this festival brings.

So , let this eid bring love and smiles on everyone's faces. Let's celebrate!

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Believe in yourself...

Things seem more difficult than they actually are, I started my biology subject study today and as I went on reading and understanding things it went on getting tougher with every leaf-turn, ahhh it was so complicated, I mean I was like ," dude, hang on let me get this thing first before getting on further"
I was actually in a wonder that how will my little wittle mind actually understand and interpret this much stuff.But of course people have passed this before me, and they have passed with flying colours  they don't have super powers, or anything,they are normal people like me so yes I can and guess what it started becoming a little easier. Easier is not the right word instead I should say it became less tougher, yes that's fine.
So ya, once you are determined and you believe you can, things get on better. Biology may be tough but there were people who had given the basics of it, so when they can give the ideologies, why can't you understand those?

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Destiny and feelings...

Life is full of challenges, you never know what is awaiting the next door, and of course you are never prepared to overcome those, no matter what you convince your mind to do, it can hardly be prepared to trigger the challenges, every second that passes by, you never know, what happens, all that is destined shall happen, no man-power in this world can stop the written, it has to happen, it shall happen.
We all human beings are connected to each other through invisible bonding, we feel for each other, we have care for each other, although they now say, "the world has lost in wilderness, it has inhuman beliefs" I say yet people have feelings and care for each other" yes intimates are of course dearer, but as human beings we have feelings for each other, if it's your parents or your children, you feel a lot and instead if it's your grandmother, your aunt or some other relation,you feel, but without any comparison with parental relation, sometimes when you want to cry but tears don't agree to come, it's even more painful.Tears are a blessing, when little things make me cry than why today when a very big incident occurred in my life, tears didn't agree to come out, why when I was extremely down, they refused to come and lighten me, why when my siblings fight and taunt me, I weep and when such a thing happened a single tear didn't fall off from my eyes. Perhaps thats our nature, human nature, we can't seem to drop those tears when they are needed.
To have courage and to be bold is the most beautiful gift God has given to selected people, it is a gift, you can hardly develop this, but actually to face and to live you need these qualities.
Life can take you miles away from where you now sit and read if it's destined.
Terrible things happen everyday around the globe, you are mere listeners, but these things may happen to us someday, the world doesn't seem to be worried because of this thought, that's because life is that way, if you keep worrying about the future and live, you can hardly pass a day, so let's not worry and pray that Almighty keeps everyone of us safe and sound at every step of life.

"A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it"


14th august is coming up , all the country glows into green and white colors, it's a view worth watching, the flags in the air, and people all in excitement, making plans for 14th August, kids buy badges with Pakistani flags and proudly sway them in the air, schools get started for the preparations for 14th August celebrations, it feels like a new Pakistan has just taken birth.
Facebook Dp's twitter Dp's and all the other social networking sites have something green and white in them, Everyone googles to find the best Dp trying to reflect their love for Pakistan.
It certainly is one of the most important days of history, and should be celebrated with zeal and zest.
Proud Pakistanis and patriots decorate the country, putting large posters and banners on the roads.
I have a very old memory of my childhood when we use to celebrate this day with extreme excitement, we siblings and cousins used to visit shops and buy badges, flags, and I yet remember there used to be green and white glasses made up of rubber, we used to fight for those a lot, and also those flash cards, with Pakistani flag printed in them, we used to buy bundles of them and decorate the complete house with them, sticking them on the borders of the doors and walls, worked hours to get them stick there, after we were done with sticking we used to call our neighbours to show them our house, that seems so funny today, but that was true excitement, and love.In the morning of 14th aug we used to get ready wearing our new dresses and hanging all the badges we had brought, wearing those funky glasses and assuming to look really pretty, we visited the studio to have photographs I still have those photos, where i am holding a flag and and wearing loads of badges on my frock, we actually look funny, but I can't forget that enjoyment, it's ages since than , and we don't do any such stuff now, the time has changed, quite a lot, perhaps now there little remains that patriotism, I wish I could bring those days back<3
Now it's not the same, a little or nothing is done by us to show our love through this day.thats sad:(

I wish all the Pakistanis a very Happy Independence day!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Beautiful relationship!

When a mom weeps from the pains inflicted by the world on her, when she weeps because all the world is against her, when she weeps because she cant pursue the relationships, when she weeps thinking about the ages to come, when her son will be an officer, her daughter a doctor, when she weeps coz her ears long to hear the "Naani mama"(grandmother) sound, and her arms die to have the baby creature, whom she can proudly call, her grandson, when she weeps for her old father, coughing and sneezing and her anile mother awaiting her death, there no consolation left but her own nippers, that's when the meaning of love unveils, the chain, the knots between a mother and a child unleashes.Wiping the oceans of tears and drying them miraculously, saying "Don't cry, why do you? when we are with you alive" No words can do the Charisma these words do on a mothers feelings, the tears turn into steam and she realizes that she wasn't alone, She realizes Almighty's blessings on her, and she stands up to face whatever come may.She feels her long withered body had again blossomed with the spring, A new woman had been born with new powers, she then knows her life was beautiful, it had colors, it had flowers,  a large garden which she and only she owned, took care of and watered those roses, she knows now that she was important if not for the world for her own garden, and it needed her the most, That garden was her own children.
That's the higher most example of love alive in the world, and remain till the very ends of living:)

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Inspiration with reading

When you read you have the strong feeling of writing too, that's when you read something quite effective and it has a lasting impression on you or when you actually realize your craving for writing, a blog actually inspired me to have my own record. Something actually impressive and powerful caught my eye, and here i ended up with my own blog.